At last a collection of John Lennon's drawings and manuscripts from his books, In His Own Write and A Spaniard In The Works, is on public view, if only for a short time.
The works are being auctioned at Sotheby's by Tom Maschler, John's publisher and friend. John's artwork was as unique as his music. Tom feels it's time John's work was properly assessed to get the reputation it well deserves in the art world.
Many of John's friends gathered for the preview last night and his work and life were celebrated.
"You May As Well Arsk" is on preview at Sotheby’s London from 21-25 March. The auction will take place at Sotheby's in New York on 4 June.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if one day John's art and manuscripts could be on permanent public view? Imagine.
The works are being auctioned at Sotheby's by Tom Maschler, John's publisher and friend. John's artwork was as unique as his music. Tom feels it's time John's work was properly assessed to get the reputation it well deserves in the art world.
Many of John's friends gathered for the preview last night and his work and life were celebrated.
"You May As Well Arsk" is on preview at Sotheby’s London from 21-25 March. The auction will take place at Sotheby's in New York on 4 June.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if one day John's art and manuscripts could be on permanent public view? Imagine.
Authors Mark Lewisohn and Gail Renard & David Stark of SongLink International. (photo David Stark)